(The 8th Battalion was among the first infantry units raised for the AIF during the First World War. Like the 5th, 6th and 7th Battalions, it was recruited from Victoria and, together with these battalions, formed the 2nd Brigade. Source AWM https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/U51448 )
Introduction to the AMMAR (Australian Military Memorials and Records) website.
As a non-military person, I have been interested in researching regional Red Cross, memorials and images of WW1 Australian veterans.
(WW2 and later Australian veteran images are usually much easier to discover.)
Old Australian newspapers, searched via microfiche and later National Library of Australia (NLA) Trove, usually contain many local Red Cross AGMs and secretary type reports up to about the end of WW2, when these reports tend to become scarcer, and a few years later these old newspaper reports are still in copyright, so cannot be copied, as easily.
Yass, in NSW, was a WW1 Inquiry Centre for Missing WW1 veterans and since many regional Red Cross branches, over the years, tended to have sketchy historical records of their past works, I tried to recreate some of these records, mainly through the use of old newspaper reports, via microfiche and then Trove at the National Library of Australia.
I have included my photos of old WW1 postcards, such as those of some Queanbeyan veterans called “Our Queanbeyan Boys”, of which there were four separate postcards, and these were sold to raise money for war efforts.
Mrs. Patricia Hardy kindly allowed me to photograph her collection of “Our Queanbeyan Boys” postcards that her grandmother had collected.
I also photographed many regional memorials and have included some copies of some WW1 books that usually contain named images of Australian WW1 veterans, and/or Australian military register, or record information.
The late Kevin Hoare was an IT developer for the All-Australia Memorial, and produced a searchable Access program that could be used to input then search some veteran information contained in the Australia’s Fighting Families section of the All-Australia Memorial books.
Mickey Michaelis from the RSL, and Donna Newton from the Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS), were always helpful and encouraging to my military type research efforts.
As the numerous military abbreviations, especially used in the All-Australia Memorial sections on Australia’s Fighting Families always needed translating, I have tried to include the full names for most of these military abbreviations, in the AAM database.
Darren Vincent, from “Counterfeit Copies” in Queanbeyan, has worked patiently and tirelessly to try to produce a high standard of copied works for me and Charlie Tizzard, from “Throttle Media”, Queanbeyan, and one of his web developers Stuart Lowry, have encouraged and trusted me, with their help and assistance, to produce a useful and relevant reference type website.
I hope you find this website and its information useful, interesting and helpful.
It might, hopefully, succeed in recreating some otherwise almost forgotten and/or nearly lost Australian information, such as those stories and images often found in the All-Australia Memorial books, and other WW1 era books, especially about some WW1 Australian veteran exploits, and some Australian home wartime sacrifices.
By Sandra Young